Monday, March 12, 2018

The world's offering

Ambon, September 3, 2017
When I sit back and think about what the world is offering to this generation, my heart is trembled. I can't imagine what the future may be. The technology moves rapidly, people become so ignorant of truth, relativism is shouted by those who seem care of humanity and many educated people proclaim superficial truth. We move so fast. We forget to think and try to digest what we actually missed. The era forces us to move forward and adjust with the world. If not, we are left behind. We have left the superstitious era but we start a new kind of superstition which to claim ourselves as religious and to believe in a kind of spirit which we don't know what it is. We believe in liberty. Liberty from what? We believe there is god. Which god? We believe in tolerance. Tolerance for evil? We believe in unity? What kind of unity? Unity to build a new Babel? What a corrupt civilization! We need mercy!
But in a sudden a beautiful voice from this corrupt life comes and speaks but I know whom I have believed. I may not know about tomorrow but I know who holds tomorrow. Therefore my brothers and sisters, we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

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