Monday, March 12, 2018

Perspective: Wonder Movie

What if you are the one who is wrong not the world? Or what if you see someone wrongly?

What if you are seeing the world im a wrong perspective?

We've been too buzy with labeling others, build a kind of steteotype, and judging others with a very limited information we have. Or should I say, we are bias in seeing something or someone.

What we percieve becomes our starting point and we start to develop an idea that might lead us to define the world we see.
However, can we just stop and think about what if I have been wrong in seeing this world, particularly on others.
1. We never know their entire lives.
2. ‎We only see the surface.

We have no right to define and to judge others only by seeing what we can percieve. May I suggest you to stop doing that. When you only see something or someone in one perspective!
1. Your perspective might cause us to be in trouble.
2. ‎Your perspective sometimes kill others
3. ‎Your perspective is not qualified!

Why do not we try something more challenging and interesting which is to look at something or someone as it is not as you see or you interprete. See to it and pay a very close attantion to it.

"We cannot change the way he looks, but probably we can change the way we see him" -Mr. Thusman, Wonder

The world's offering

Ambon, September 3, 2017
When I sit back and think about what the world is offering to this generation, my heart is trembled. I can't imagine what the future may be. The technology moves rapidly, people become so ignorant of truth, relativism is shouted by those who seem care of humanity and many educated people proclaim superficial truth. We move so fast. We forget to think and try to digest what we actually missed. The era forces us to move forward and adjust with the world. If not, we are left behind. We have left the superstitious era but we start a new kind of superstition which to claim ourselves as religious and to believe in a kind of spirit which we don't know what it is. We believe in liberty. Liberty from what? We believe there is god. Which god? We believe in tolerance. Tolerance for evil? We believe in unity? What kind of unity? Unity to build a new Babel? What a corrupt civilization! We need mercy!
But in a sudden a beautiful voice from this corrupt life comes and speaks but I know whom I have believed. I may not know about tomorrow but I know who holds tomorrow. Therefore my brothers and sisters, we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

I miss my home

October 15, 2017
I learn that people will not accept who you are. People only accept you when they think that having you in their life will serve their purpose. It is about how our presence satisfies their purpose. As I think about what's going on, I realize only Jesus who knows me best. He accepts me for who I am.
I miss my home.
Travelling may seem so satisfying, but being far from your loved ones makes you lose something. The longing to be together is so deep. the distance makes everything even deeper. I miss my home. I miss everything when I am loved for who I am.

Actively Waiting

Lippo Karawaci-maxx coffee Benton, Saturday 9, 2017

Today I had a conversation with a friend. We were talking about many things about adulthood, future, our struggle, singleness, and many more. That conversation was really wonderful and engaging. We questioned many things and tried to find the answers by connecting the dots that we found in our lives. With this limited thought, we tried to discuss and think. We ended up talking about relationship.

It's interesting that we found out during these challenging periods of life, sometimes we encounter many things that forced us to make a decision. The options are to go with the flow or to go against the current.

Being single tempts woman to go with the flow which is to be drifted by the feeling to be loved. At the end, it causes woman to spend time thinking and pitying to ourselves. We started grumbling about unnecessary things like 'I have to find a boyfriend', why do I keep being singel? Or why am I doing this stupid things just because I don't have boyfriend? And many more.

However, we all know that there will be a time for that. Yes we need man to lead us, because that's our nature which is to be led. But it does not necessarily mean we aggressively try to catch man's attention by doing anything we want. We are created to be found. My friend beautifully concluded this way "we are the hidden treasure that needs to be found." We wait.

You might want to ask me, are you sure? Just wait? Yes.

Thank God, me and my friend we don't stop there. We try to think about many potential things we have in our lives now. We're still young, we have many friends, we have many abilities, there's still long way to go. If we fix our eyes on the future and think about what God has promised about the future, there's a hope. All we do just wait. Waiting for God's time.

While we're waiting, there are many things we can do. Make friends, pursuing dream, join community service, and so on. In other words, do what you are called to do and be what you are called to be! There's so much more out there waiting for you. There's so much more to do. Above all, there's so many people out there need you. Bear fruit! Bloom where you are planted! Live your life not only to be full but to overflow and let others see that you are overflowing. So they might taste that water which overflows in you.

Women, we're called to be helper. Helper to everyone in your life. Eve was create to be a helper not only for Adam but also for other creatures!

Serve other while you are waiting for your man. Prepare yourself to be godly while you are waiting for that godly man.

Education matters

September 1, 2017
Yesterday I went to a beautiful place named Ureng. It is a wonderful waterfall. It took probably 2 hours by feet to go to the waterfall from the drop point. My eyes couldn't stop to see around and be still for a while trying to enjoy the beautiful nature. I was so amazed by the sound of water, the sprinkle of water, and the smell of forest. It was so deep and I could still clearly remember the feeling when my feet touched the cold water and rocks hidden under the brown water. The beauty of an untouched nature is totally different. It felt like I was on different world. Lost in the wonder of the beautiful nature. The excitement continued when we had lunch on the side of beautiful beach. That beach was so calm compared to usual Ambon's beaches. The waves were not so strong. The view became so much perfect when I saw the beautiful harmony of wind and coconut trees dancing beautifully following the the sound of waves.
But then something bothered me when I saw one of the drivers who took us to that place. He just finished his lunch and a sudden he went down to the coast. I thought he was about to sit there and enjoy the view as my friends and I did. However, he actually carried his lunch box (made from paper) and threw it right away to the coast. I was surprised. What? Are you sure? My response was that I was shocked. How could this man (born and live in Maluku) did not have any discernment in doing that? That box is a trash and he threw it at that beautiful coast? This is crazy! My friends and I were trying very hard to keep the place we visited as clean as possible but then this local man did that way? My mind directly was brought to think. This reality shows that education is failed. In this era with development of technology rapidly, how can this kind of behavior was still found. This is teacher's job. The problem of education is really the main concern. I am definitely sad when I saw that attitude.